Aguerre will play for Chapaleufú

The 10 goals player will play the next season with the Chapaleufú jersey.

Indios Chapaleufú was always one of the favourite teams. In the beginning of 2000 they’ve suffered a extrematelly painfull new, Gonzalo Heguy, their number 3 player, died in a car accident. This was shocking and reflected not only in the game but in the psicological area (the four players were brothers).
The last season (2000) the team decided to go on and call Hector Guerrero (7) to play with them so they can make it to the Argentine Open, but unfortunatelly this mix wasn’t as good as they’ve expected.

After the bad season (in the 2000 Argentine Open they didn’t got to the semifinals, something very unusual for the team), they’ve decided to get a higher ranked player to take the team back to their good seasons, that’s why they’ve decided to call Mariano Aguerre (19), a very experienced player, who is playing high goal polo since 1992 and has already won the Argentine Open three times and once the Triple Crown, all this playing for Ellerstina.

Mariano had a lot to think, because to accept the offer he should left his team (El Paraíso – Budweiser) and let all his partners without one of the most important pieces of the team, but the offer was something that he couldn’t refuse, and he felt honored to be the chosen one.

On the other hand, with this new incorporation, Indios Chapaleufú is now one of the two most higher rated teams with 38 goals, same as Indios Chapaleufú II (the last champion), and is again one of the favorites for the next season.

With all the changes the 2001 season is going to be very attractive for sure, with a great quantity of high level teams, all willing to get all the 3 cups (Argentine Open, Hurlingham and Tortugas), we shouldn’t forget that the Novillo Astrada brothers will play this year with Gonzalo Pieres Jr. that will provide to the experience of the 3 brothers the horses and organization from Ellerston, on the other side Alejandro “Piki” Diaz Alberdi is now free, as well Mike Azzaro, the rest of Ellerstina and El Paraiso, so there’s plenty of high quality players willing to make a winning team.

Meanwhile La Dolfina, another of the favorites, has not confirmed the team for the 2001, but is very probable that they remain playing without changes, considering the results they’ve got last year.


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